Improving lives through sound financial planning.

Marriage and Money: The Importance of Making Joint Financial Decisions

By Drew Overton | August 21, 2020

Personal finance is a broad term that covers various areas of money management. These topics can range from monthly budgeting and saving, all the way to retirement and estate planning down the road. The importance of financial decisions is very high because it directly or indirectly affects marriage life. The philosophy behind how you choose […]

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Rollover Rules for Previously-Required Minimum Distributions for 2020 Expanded

By Drew Overton | August 14, 2020

A lot has happened since our last tax planning update. States have implemented their own strategies for re-opening, new areas have been impacted by the virus, and it’s rare if you don’t see someone wearing a mask while out and about. With all the uncertainty regarding the virus, we want to ensure that you are […]

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Financial and Retirement Planning in Hampton Roads

By Robert W. Tull | December 6, 2019

Having recently returned from a Financial Planners Association Conference in Minneapolis, where the temperature was already hitting the freezing mark, I quickly remembered why I like living in Hampton Roads. I love the changing seasons where we can experience some snow in the winter with just a three-hour drive to ski resorts or the heat […]

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